Information warfare: manipulation of information trusted by a target without the target's awareness. The target then makes decisions against their interest in favor of the ones conducting the information warfare.
Information warfare is a rapidly growing phenomenon that involves the use of technology to disrupt and destroy an adversary’s computer networks, systems, and data. In the 21st century, information warfare has become an increasingly prominent form of conflict. It is used by both state and non-state actors alike to gain strategic advantage, influence public opinion and gain access to critical information.
In the past, traditional forms of warfare such as conventional military operations and nuclear weapons were used to achieve strategic objectives. Today, information warfare has become a powerful tool for state and non-state actors. It is used to gain access to sensitive information, disrupt government operations, manipulate public opinion and spread false or misleading information. Information warfare is also used to gain competitive advantage in the business world, as well as to gain access to critical infrastructure and sensitive data.
The Basic Features of Strategic Information Warfare
Seven defining features of strategic information warfare: [RAND Corporation ]
Low entry cost
Blurred traditional boundaries
Expanded role for perception management
A new strategic intelligence challenge
Formidable tactical warning and attack assessment problems:
Difficulty of building and sustaining coalitions:
In the current political climate, the use of information warfare has been highly visible. Political campaigns have used information warfare to create false or misleading stories in order to shape public opinion in their favor. In addition, foreign actors have meddled in US elections using information warfare techniques.
Information warfare is conducted by a variety of means, including cyber attacks, disinformation campaigns, social media manipulation and propaganda. Cyber attacks involve the use of malicious software, such as viruses and worms, to disrupt and destroy computer networks. Disinformation campaigns involve the spread of false or misleading information to influence public opinion and sway decision-making. Social media manipulation involves the use of bots, trolls and fake accounts to spread and promote false or misleading information. (see also: Bot Farms).
Information warfare has become a powerful weapon in the 21st century, used by both state and non-state actors alike. It is used to gain access to sensitive information, disrupt government operations, manipulate public opinion and spread false or misleading information. It is important for citizens to be aware of the risks of information warfare and to be vigilant in identifying misinformation. Governments should also take steps to protect citizens from the dangers of information warfare.
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