Security awareness campaigns can help reduce the amount of theft in the workplace and also create a sense of unity and togetherness amongst employees. It can also serve as a reminder to employees that theft is taken seriously and there are serious consequences for committing such a crime. By implementing a security awareness campaign, employers can help to create an environment where employees are more aware of the importance of security and take the necessary steps to protect their business and co-workers.
A security awareness poster for example is an effective tool to communicate to employees that theft is taken seriously and that there are serious consequences for committing such a crime. The poster should include a visual warning, factual information, and a call to action, to encourage employees to report any dishonesty or theft they are aware of. Additionally, the poster should emphasize the importance of loyalty and team work, to remind employees that it is their job to protect the company and their co-workers. By displaying the poster throughout the work place, employers can not only deter theft, but also create a sense of unity and community amongst their employees.
Install surveillance cameras
In California, an employer can install a surveillance camera in areas where employees do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Areas that are controlled by the employer, such as an alley, are not areas that an employee would likely consider private. The camera may only record video and not audio. Dome cameras have the option of tinted glass encasement. If the system is manually controlled by a security department, even if employees are surveillance aware, they won’t be able to see which direction the camera is facing during a camera patrol, this also decreases negative sentiments of a “big brother” is watching you.
A report commissioned by the Australian institute of criminology (2011) found that the effectiveness of CCTV is short term. Strategies that utilized CCTV appeared to have caused an initial decrease in theft rates but however, this effect was not sustained in the long term. The inability of CCTV to sustain its deterrent effect could be attributed to people becoming acclimatized to the presence of the cameras. Likewise, employees may habituate to the presence of the poster, which includes a reminder of CCTV cameras. Therefore, one way to maximize the impact of the poster (i.e., to sustain its deterrent effect) is to reduce such habituation by periodically placing it in different locations, or by editing some minor details of the poster (e.g., color, pictures) and then displaying it.
Lewis, E. (2013) discusses research at the University of Newcastle which shows posters showing staring eyes are enough to reduce crime levels. The research was conducted to monitor the impact that staring eyes would have on bicycle theft. Results of the research demonstrated that over the course of a year bike thefts in locations where the poster was visible were reduced by 62 per cent, however, the number of bikes stolen in other areas of the city (where the posters were not present) increased by 63 per cent. This suggests that images of eyes serves to reduce theft, but that this is ineffective at reducing theft beyond the locality where the posters are displayed. Therefore, the poster would be displayed throughout the building in multiple areas and especially in areas that are most susceptible to crime to reduce it.
Enforce Company Policies
The background picture, displaying a prison fence, gives a quick visual depiction of the consequences of employee theft. This image, associated with criminality reemphasizes the criminal aspect of theft in the workplace is not a victimless crime and holds serious consequences for offenders. One consequence, depicted clearly, is prison. Another potential consequence is that the employee could lose their job and incur criminal charges, even though this may not necessarily lead to prison. Thus, the poster also includes the key phrases “instant dismissal” “criminal charges” “criminal record”. These salient reminders are especially important given the aforementioned discussion of reasons why employees may be dishonest, including the fact that many do not perceive their actions as “criminal”, or are apathetic to the consequences of their actions.
In addition to visual warnings, provide employees with facts about dishonesty; its standing with the law and the impact it can have on the business. This can help deter criminal behavior from employees who may be unaware of the consequences of their actions by outlining the damaging effect it can have on the business.
Create a community that wants to see you succeed.
Don’t stand out for the wrong reason
Single Them Out
Conformity and loyalty are strongest when individuals working in a group share the same values and objectives as one another. Project the importance to not stand out from the crowd for negative reasons and emphasize the importance the individual plays in contributing to the success by acting as a part of a team.
A security awareness poster can be an effective tool to communicate that theft is taken seriously and has serious consequences. It should include a visual warning, factual information, and a call to action to encourage employees to report any dishonesty or theft. Additionally, the poster should emphasize loyalty and team work to remind employees that it is their job to protect the company and their co-workers.
When implemented posters correctly, it is possible to foster a sense of unity and community while simultaneously deterring theft.
See Also: Employee theft
Are you looking to create a sense of unity and togetherness in your workplace and reduce the amount of theft?
Our Security Awareness Campaign will help create a culture of security and vigilance in your workplace, helping to reduce the amount of theft and create a sense of unity and togetherness amongst your employees.
Our campaign will remind your employees that theft is taken seriously and that there are serious consequences for committing such a crime.
Take the steps to protect your business and your employees today.